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Welcome pardners to the "Wanted; Dead or Alive" page. This page is  brought to you by  Marshal Wade and Brother Renfield, two semi-retired  players who put their character's aside to jump in the saddle of the Game Marshal  positions. This page is dedicated to the "Deadlands" RPG from Pinnacle  Entertainment. If you are familiar with Deadlands then check out some of our helpful  material for all of you Marshals to use out there. If you are not familiar with  Deadlands check out their site and then return here when you get that itchy   trigger finger. We have included  some ungodly creatures, some explosive gizmos, and some sceevy desperadoes to torture your unknowing party with. We were  even nice enough to give you some fodder for some adventures that you  may use to  spoil their happy trails. So strap on your gun belts and get your hexes ready. It's Reckoning time!

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Email us and let us know what you think at Email.gif (7874 bytes) Marshal Wade & Brother Renfield

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6796 visitors since May, 11th, 1999

deadring.jpg (11057 bytes) This Weird West Express site is owned by Marshal Wade & Brother Renfield.
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