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Elton Conrad: Conrad is a 400 year old vampire who in 1870 came to the new world. Pinnacle's own Baron LaCroix tricked him (not an easy task) into 10 years of service. This occurred in a now infamous closed door poker match. Conrad now works as the Baron's strong arm. One of my parties first missions was to clear a cult out of the Mojave, so that the Baron's   train could connect with California. Conrad served as dispenser of information as well  as adding a constant  feeling uneasiness to the trip from New Orleans to Southern California. Being a vampire, Conrad can pop up at any given time and scare the bejeezus out of your characters. He appears about 30 years old with a hodge podge mixture of exquisite clothing from the 18th and 19th centuries. He has a fond leaning to red and normally will have a hat or jacket on of this color. He has long blonde hair and red eyes. Conrad by nature is belligerent, uppity, and in general not to happy at all with his current job. He will trick the players or lead them out of the way as long as the basic orders of his boss is followed ( Any high level black magic user could take the Baron's place in your game). He has a severe disregard for human life and will see things differently through his immortality. Right from the start, have the party see him kill someone brutally, or at least some show of supernatural power. When he approaches them about the mission. They will be tentative and  you can establish an uneasy alliance through a reward. Conrad has the fangs and curse of a vampire. He has achieved immortality as well as the ability to make other vampires. He has numerous supernatural traits and runs on all twelve siders due to his long existence. He is an ancient evil that existed before the reckoning. He must feed once a night or lose -4 to all actions each day after that. Sunlight is one of his few weaknesses. It does 3D20 damage. Weapons blessed by a priest, Miracles, Holy water and crosses, will all work if the Priest has a faith of 12 siders. Conrad's bite can change a person into a vampire. They will receive one trait bumped to twelve siders or +2 to an existing 12 sided trait. They will also crave blood and follow the same penalties if they do not feed once a night. I do not recommend turning a character into a vamp for very long. Leave a way out or it could severely mess up a plot line! As far as NPC's go, use your own judgement for advancement of powers. At a certain point, Unnerve your players even more and give Conrad daywalker abilities. He is 400 years old after all.

Corporeal: D:3D12  N:3D12 Q: 5D12+4 S:3D12+2 fighting knife: 3D12 fighting brawling: 4D12 fighting claw: 6D12 Biting: 3D12

Mental: C3D12 K: 4D12 M:4D12 Sm: 4D12 Sp: 4D12 overawe 5D2 Latin 3D2

Edges : Arcane Background-Black Magic: 3  Two Fisted: 3 The Voice : 1 The Stare: 1

Dinero: 2

Black Magic: Cloak of Evil : 3  Dark Protection: 3 Pact: 4 Zombie: 4

By Brother Renfield

Uncle Sam: Sam Wilson, a meat-packing magnate from Back East earlier in the 19th century, has been dead for many years by 1876.  He used to stamp U.S. on his product's barrels, representing the United States.  This acronym was not widely known at the time, and the workers in Wilson's employ joked that it meant "Uncle Sam".  Little did they know that not only would the name stick, but "Uncle Sam" would become a patriotic symbol for Americans everywhere.  Although dead before the Reckoning occurred, Sam Wilson has been restored to a state of "life" using an as-yet unknown process performed by the Pinkerton Western Bureau Chief known only as "the Ghost".  "The Ghost" restored Wilson to use him as an agent against certain Confederate Raiders plaguing the Disputed Territories and the Union's Western States, notably the James Gang and the Dust Devils, as well as providing a "living" symbol of patriotic vengeance.  "The Ghost" has even used Pinkerton funds to publish dime novels about Uncle Sam's adventures.  Ever mindful of Uncle Sam's Manitou, "the Ghost" ensures that loyal and dedicated Pinkerton operatives are nearby whenever Wilson goes on a hunt.  It would be downright horrible if some loyal Union folks got torn to pieces by an out-of-control Uncle Sam.

Corporeal: D:2D10 N:4D12 S:4D12+2 Q:5D10 V:4D8   Shooting:Pistol: 4D10, Shooting:Shotgun: 4D10, Shooting:Rifle: 4D10, Fighting:Brawling: 5D12, Fighting:Axe: 5D12, Riding Horse:4D12, Climbing: 3D12, Swimming: 3D12, Teamster: 3D12, Quick Draw:Pistol: 5D10

Mental: C:4D8 K:3D10 M:2D10 Sm:3D8 Sp:4D12+2  Area Knowledge: New York City: 4D10, Native Tongue: 3D10, Academia:Occult: 3D10, Trade:Meat-Packing: 4D10, Overawe: 5D10, Streetwise: 3D8, Guts: 6D12+2, Faith: 4D12+2

Edges: Brave 2, Dinero 5, Friends In High Places(The Ghost, President Grant, Allan Pinkerton) 5

Hindrances: Degeneration 5, Heroic 3, Obligation(Hunt down the most infamous Southern Outlaws) 4, Vengeful 3

Grit: 5                     Dominion: Harrowed 10, Manitou 2

Harrowed Powers: Death Mask 5, Hell Fire 5, Marked For Death 3, Reconstruction 5, Stitchin' 3

White Magic Spells: Animal Mastery 5, Bolts O' Doom (Stars 'n Stripes!) 3, Dark Protection 3

By Marshal E.B. Wade, Picture By Brother Renfield

Silas Tooms, The Albino: Tooms is a crafty S.O.B. who spent the 1860's rampaging from one cowtown to another, stirring up trouble.   Actually Public Enemy Number One from 1867-68, Tooms has killed more folks than can be easily accounted for.  He stayed one step ahead of his pursuers, fleeing ever westward, yet never laying low for long.  The Albino's luck finally ran out in the winter of 1869, when fate cast him into the Big Horn Mountains to seek shelter from a great snowstorm.  Never one to back down from a challenge, Tooms was gunned down by The Gunspider (see the Creatures page).  Although Silas made it out of the Gunspider's Lair, he was shot no less than 13 times and perished on a rocky outcropping several hundred yards from the mouth of the Gunspider's Lair, where the snow covered him quickly.  This event probably saved his carcass from being another meal for the Gunspider, and 5 days after his death the Albino returned to walk the Earth as a Harrowed.

Corporeal: D: 5D12+4 N: 4D10 S: 4D10 Q: 6D12+6 V: 2D10   Shooting:Pistol: 8D12+4, Speed-Load:Pistol: 6D12+4, Gunplay: 6D12+4, Fighting:Brawling: 5D10, Fighting:Knife: 5D10, Riding Horse: 4D10, Quick Draw:Pistol: 6D12+6, Quick Draw:Knife: 3D12+6

Mental: C: 3D12 K: 3D10 M: 3D12+2 Sm: 3D8 Sp: 4D10  Area Knowledge:Dakota Territory: 4D10, Native Tongue: 3D10, Language:Lakota: 2D10, Language:Spanish: 2D10, Academia:Occult: 5D10, Academia:Safes And Vaults: 5D10, Bluff: 5D12+2 Overawe: 5D12+2, Ridicule: 5D12+2, Gambling: 5D8, Guts: 6D10

Edges: Arcane Background:Hexslinger 3, Level-Headed 5, Two-Fisted 3, Two-Gun Kid 5, The "Stare" 1, The "Voice"(Grating) 1

Hindrances: Aura O' Death 3,Bloodthirsty 2, Intolerance (people who talk but never have anything to say) 1, Mark O' The Devil 2, Mean As A Rattler 2, Outlaw 5

Grit: 7                     Dominion: Harrowed 6, Manitou 4                     Dead: 7 Years

Harrowed Powers: Arcane Protection 3, Bad Mojo 3, Chill O' The Grave 5, Dead Reckonin' 3, Eulogy 3, Fast As Death 3, Hell Beast 5, Hell Wind 5, Stitchin' 3, Supernatural Trait:Deftness 2, Supernatural Trait:Quickness 3, Supernatural Trait:Mien 1

Hexes: Argent Agony: 5D12, Bullet With Your Name On It: 3D10, Disrupt: 5D10, Draw!: 5D8, Graveyard Mists: 3D10, Knife Through Butter: 3D12, Loaded For Bear: 5D12

By Marshal E.B. Wade

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