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The Eyeless Ones: Tired of the regular old bolt of doom cultist? How about a group so demented that they offer their eyes as a sacrificial offering at the time of their induction into the cult. They are not just some blind fanatic running around, though. They are given special powers granted by their dark deity. The first gift is magical sight. They see through magical means and get +2 to any cognition or tracking rolls. They also ignore cognition penalties such as weather, or  darkness. The second gift is a few typical black magic spells. These include a nasty oily slick bolt of doom, a creepy purplish glowing cloak of evil, and a spook spell when anyone looks at their nasty facades, complete with eye sockets that are sewn shut. Another gift is that they communicate telepathically and do not speak aloud. They also float 1 foot above the ground. They cannot fly but move this way so they do not leave footprints. They make great sacrifices for their cult and are blessed with these powers as well as a double edged scythe. They are two fisted and can do two attacks per action card. Their primary purpose other that total devotion to their benefactor is to track down people who have wronged the cult or the cult's deity in some way. You know evil abominations. If someone's not stepping on their toes they will kill someone anyway. These guys are excellent trackers and will relentlessly follow their adversaries and then commence to slicing and dicing. I will cover their Deity next month. If you just can't wait to unload these guys on your party, pick some nasty abomination from Pinnacles's Rascals Varmints & Critter's or make up your own. They make a great addition for any large cult.

Terror Level 4

Corporeal: D: 4D10 N: 4D12 Q: 4D12+2 Str: 3D10 Fighting Spear: 5D12

scythe does str + 2D8 damage and is immune to rust ( treat as a relic)

Mental: C: 3D10 (+2) K: 3D8 M: 3D10 Sm 4D6 Sp 3D10 Tracking 5D10(+2) Academia: Black Magic : 3

Edges: Two Fisted

Black Magic: Bolt of Doom: 2 Inky black substance 4D8

Cloak of Evil: 2 Purple Aura -4 to hit

Spook: 2 -4 to guts check when looking at the sewn up eye holes.

Coup: Anyone counting Coup on these creatures receive a 1 level of Supernatural trait added to their Cognition.

By Brother Renfield

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Children of the Mist: Right around Tombstone for some reason my party went on a bloody rampage of dynamite chunkin' and soul blasting a plenty. I decided to show them the consequences of this with these next creatures. In my world, good ole' Johnny Ringo was a black magic expert (with all his Latin and obscure Occult knowledge). He or any other Cult leader can conjure up this nasty troop of creatures. A few Latin phrases, A pentagram, and some help from the Manitous and presto... 2D10 children in the local town rise from their bed at midnight and change into the Children of the Mist. An eerie fog rolls in and lesser Manitous posses the children and give them bat wings, fangs, and claws as well as some supernatural protection.  These creatures are not difficult to defeat, but once destroyed they return to child form, leaving the town with an angry mob wanting to hang some party members and ask questions later. Have the cult leader make a common faith roll of 3 to see if the spell works. If he makes it the beasts do his bidding until dawn. Any still living at dawn also return to child form with no recollection of the event.

Terror: 3 Corporeal: D:3D8 N: 3D8 Q: 4D10 S: 2D6

Fighting Claw: 4D8 (Str +1D6 damage) Fighting Brawling: 3D8

Mental: C: 2D8 K: 1D6 M:2D6 M:2D6 Sm:1D8 Sp: 2D10

Black Magic: Dark Protection: 1  

Coup :  Anyone counting coup on the Children of the Mist loses one level of the Degeneration Hindrance.

By Brother Renfield


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The Gunspider

This creature is cunning evil personified.  The Gunspider might be considered a tragic soul except for the twisted and sadistic acts it perpetrates on a daily basis.  It fancies itself a hunter of the finest sense, but in reality it is nothing more than a murderous butcher.  The Gunspider prefers it's prey to be living when it consumes them.  They must be sweeter that way.  It is quite intelligent, having stitched it's own wardrobe from the clothes of it's victims, as well as voraciously reading any materials it can find.

Corporeal: D: 6D12+4 N: 6D12+2 S: 5D10 Q: 6D12+6 V: 5D10   Shooting:Pistol: 8D12+4, Gunplay: 6D12+4, Climbing: 8D12+2, Sneak: 6D12+2, Quick Draw:Pistol: 8D12+6, Swimming: 4D12+2, Fighting:Brawling: 6D12+2

Mental: C: 4D12 K: 4D12 M: 2D12 Sm: 3D10 Sp: 4D12+2   Academia:Occult: 6D12, Area Knowledge:Big Horn Mountains: 4D12, Tracking: 6D12, Overawe: 8D12, Faith: 6D12+2, Guts: 8D12+2

Edges: Six-Fisted 3, Six-Gun Kid 5, Light Sleeper 1, Sense O' Direction 1, Thick-Skinned 3

Hindrances: Bloodthirsty 2, Grim Servant O' Death 5, Vengeful 3

Size: 7                     Hits: 300                    Terror: 11                     Pace: 24

Black Magic Spells: Bolts O' Doom 4, Cloak O' Evil 3, Dark Protection 2, Forewarning 3, Puppet 4, Zombie 5

Harrowed Powers: Cat Eyes 4, Spider 5, Supernatural Trait:Deftness 2, Supernatural Trait:Nimbleness 1, Supernatural Trait:Quickness 3, Supernatural Trait:Spirit 1

Gear: 2 .44 Colt Army Single-Actions, 1 .38 Colt Lightning Double-Action, 1 .44R Smith & Wesson Russian Single-Action, 2 Smith & Wesson .44-40 Frontier Double-Actions  (All Relics: Each does an extra die of damage and reloads itself at a rate of 1 bullet per action)

Coup: Any Harrowed character who Counts Coup on the Gunspider (Good Luck!) gains the Two-Fisted Edge.  If they already have it, they gain the Two-Gun Kid Edge at Level 3, or 5 if they already have it at the lower level.   Finally, there are the guns, but anyone can use them. 

By Marshal E.B. Wade.

Click here for a map and description of the Gunspider's lair!


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Mississippi Mud Monsters

These creatures can be found anywhere along the banks of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, as well as their tributaries.  They are pack creatures, and subsist mostly on riverine fish and small birds, occasionally enjoying the taste of human flesh when a hunting pack of 6-8 Mud Monsters can overwhelm a small party of travelers.  They consume their prey by absorbing it into their bodies for smaller things, or into the ground itself for human- or deer-sized prey.  There, the poor thing suffocates and can be digested by the Mud Monsters en masse.

Corporeal: D: 2D10 N: 3D10 S: 4D12+2 Q: 4D8 V: 2D10   Fighting:Brawling: 4D10, Throwing:Mud Clots: 4D10, Sneak: 4D10

Mental: C: 4D8 K: 1D6 M: 1D8 Sm: 4D6 Sp: 3D6  Area Knowledge:Big Muddy Country: 4D6, Overawe: 3D8, Guts:5D6

Size: 6                     Terror: 7                     Pace:10(above ground)/20(below ground)

Special Abilities: Smother attack: On a successful brawling attack the Mud Monster can attempt to immobilize it's opponent by winning an opposed Strength contest.  On it's next action the creature begins to pull the victim underground, requiring another Strength contest.  If the victim wins this one, they do not break free, just prevent the Mud Monster from pulling them down.  They may attempt to break free on any action by Vamoosing.  After 3 successful Strength contests, the creature buries it's victim, which then takes damage as if Drowning.   Branch swat: Being made up of mud and other riverbed detritus, the Mud Monsters usually have access to stout tree branches.  These they use as clubs, doing STR+2D8 damage. 1 of every 2 Mud Monsters will have a branch.  Mud Toss: Any Mud Monster can make range attacks using clots of mud liberally sprinkled with rocks and stones, causing STR+2D6 damage.  Limited Vulnerability: The Mud Monsters can only be destroyed by severing its connection with the ground, then destroying the head.  The Mud Monsters regenerate all damage taken at a rate of 2 wound levels per round, even the head and even after maiming, so long as it is in direct contact with the ground.  On the plus side, they take double damage from electrical attacks.

Coup: Any Harrowed who Counts Coup on a Mud Monster gains a level of the Harrowed Power Chill O' The Grave.

By Marshal E.B. Wade

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