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We have constructed a few plots to use when you haven't a clue for a good plot line or subplot. Every month we will ad some new ones to the site, so check back if you need a certain area. If you're in a real hurry, Email us and tell us where you're adventuring and we will include some plots from that area, as soon as possible. Marshall Wade and Brother Renfield crossed the Continent twice in their adventures and even dealt with some plots from the European and Asian continents, so don't be shy, ask and you shall receive. Some fictitious towns will have maps included. Towns that actually existed will just have the plots and character stats to spice up your cowtown.

Email the "Wanted:Dead or Alive" crew

  • The Portland Plot: Click here for two plot ideas for Portland, Oregon. We included the Portland Tunnels as well as one of the first known serial killers. We know it ain't the West, but sometimes you have some wandering parties.

  • Last Gasp, New Mexico Territory: Starved, parched, and  dirty, a heroic posse spots a sign in the desert. Their salvation soon becomes a nightmare when they are required to die before joining the townsfolk, here in Last Gasp!

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