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This here is the gizmo's page. In my travels, I have seen people get all fired up over this ghost rock stuff (literally in some cases). Mixing it with Chinese drugs, putting it in Mechanical bird like contraptions, even filling up hollow points with the darned stuff. I guess I just don't have a scientific mind. Don't worry though, that want stop me from giving ya' some of the more famous concoctions and gizmos that I've seen. A word of caution though, these things are pretty dangerous. Most are fickle at best. I've seen plenty of "Mad Scientists" with many a missing appendage because the went and blew the blasted things right off their bodies. Happy tinkering

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  • Faraday's Bottled Lightning - Concentration: Alchemy  Hand needed: Flush Formula Reliability: 18  Ingredients: 1oz. common (hydrogen peroxide), 2oz. common (sulfuric acid.) 4oz. common (carbon), 2oz. uncommon (mercury), 3 oz. uncommon (zinc), 1oz. Philosophers Stone. Brew TN: 13 Brew Time: 1 hr. Effects: Bottled chemical lightning, target takes 3D10 in electrical damage, 5 D10 If target is wet.

  • Faraday's Ghost Rock Shells - Theory: The slug is shaped from Ghost Rock, jacketed in Ghost Steel.  Ground Ghost Rock Powder is combined with gunpowder for the charge.  Hand needed: 2 pair  Concentration: Chemistry   Construction TN: 7  Construction time: 4 hours/12 rounds of ammunition   Blueprint Reliability: 18  Effects: Shrieks out of the barrel when fired.   Lowers Armor by 1 level for damage purposes.  Causes 4D6 damage, rerolling any 1's.  If 1's are rolled the second time, they stick.  Causes Wind damage to Harrowed.  Ghost Steel weapons are recommended; if used in a normal gun, lower the Reliability of the weapon to 19.

  • Hampton's Universal Solvent - Concentration: Alchemy  Formula Reliability: 18 Hand Needed: Straight Flush  Brew TN: 19 Brew Time: 2 Days   Ingredients: 4oz. uncommon (white lead), 4oz. uncommon (Boric Acid), 4 oz. uncommon (xenon), 4 oz. uncommon (alkali), 4oz.exotic (unknown, except to Doctor Hampton), 8oz. Philosopher's stone Effects: Must be stored specially, see Hampton's magnetic bottle below. An Acidic agent that eats through every known substance at an incredible rate. The solvent causes the unfortunate target a maiming wound (or 30 points for inanimate objects or minor characters) Each round for 3 rounds (or 90 total points of damage over 15 seconds). In case of armor, the solvent eats through the equivalent of one level every 15 points of damage delivered, so the solvent could burn through a normal armored vest in 1 round, and start killing the poor sod wearing that vest in the next round.

  • Hampton's Magnetic Bottle - Theory: A series of electromagnets are affixed to the interior of a cylinder, Copper wires connects the magnetic array to the electrical power source. A series of fuel cells that provide electricity from the combining of Hydrogen and Oxygen. The stopper contains the final magnet and is made of copper, so when the cap is screwed on, an electromagnet field is sealed, allowing Hampton's Universal Solvent to be safely transported and stored. The fuel cells will power the bottle for 4 hours. For ease of transport, for permanent storage, an alternate power source such as an electrical generator is needed. Concentration: Physics  Hand Needed: Flush Construction TN: 13 Construction Time: 1 week Blueprint Reliability: 18 Effects: 1 bottle will hold up to 12oz. of Universal Solvent


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