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Last Gasp, New Mexico Territory
    This one here's a creeper, folks. Late in the day on a dusty trail far removed from civilization, the unsuspecting party discovers a sign that reads "Last Gasp, 5 miles". Unbeknownst to the Posse, that the sign and the path off the trail the sign indicates were never there before, and do not show up on any map. That wicked looking storm and encroaching darkness leads them to a place they will not soon forget (If they live through it.)

     Okay, Marshal. If the posse does not go for town, hit them with a powerful dust storm that will blind and choke them. As soon as they become horribly lost, finally, agonizingly, dump them unceremoniously at the north end of town. That'll show 'em. Huddling near, the travelers gaze down the single street of a dilapidated no- horse town. Lively, if not bawdy, piano music can be heard from down the street, and several lights can be seen as well.

     Now Marshal, the posse meets Last Gasp's only friendly Resident: stuttering, slow witted Clem Craven. Clem seems to just appear sitting on the boardwalk at the North edge of town. He's genuinely amazed that Last Gasp has attracted any visitors, and would love to hear news from "outside". After a bit of conversation, Clem cryptically warns the heroes about the town marshal and his dislike of "their kind"( i.e. breathing folk). Before the party can press for more information, Clem's eyes grow wide in horror and he gasps out: "It's the Marshal!" When the party turns to look, Clem disappears.

     The posse can avoid the marshal and his pair of deputies if they like, at least long enough to to see the majority of town,but sooner or later the heroes will have to answer to the "law"( dead is better). When this shadow occurs, the "Lawmen" will attempt to take as many of the party alive as possible, but have no difficulty shooting to kill if the posse proves too dangerous. Any harrowed heroes will have serious problems when facing the Marshal, or Undertaker, whose descriptions appear below.

    That Undertaker's shop is on the South end of town, and it's quite possible the heroes won't make it there, if they disturb the "customers"  of the Boneyard Saloon. Most of these "customers" are walking dead and veteran walking dead. (40 or 50 of them!), but feel free to throw in a few of your owned harrowed characters, Marshal.If the posse gets the Boneyard's customers riled up the hero's are probably going to be forced to flee. The longer they stay and fight, the more likely reinforcements will arrive for the town citizenry in the form of the Marshal and his two deputies (If the heroes haven't already had a run - in with them, and won.), The Undertaker and his unholy host from the Boot hill behind the Undertaker's shop, or anything you might want to complicate the party's lives with, Marshal. If and when the characters make a break for it, All the towns residents who pursue them will break off the chase.

     The Undertaker (and defacto Mayor) has three relatively fresh confederate corpses in coffins in and around his shop. Animating these with these with his unholy host power power will help to destroy , and thus recruit the posse. The boot hill behind his shop has over 70 bodies in it as well.

    Right next to the Boneyard sits the Desert Sapphire Dance Hall. This place draws a Harrowed male like honey to a Bee. He can resist if he really want to, but he's gonna have to score a 13 spirit check to do it. Living males are little better off, having to make a 9 spirit check. Anyway pick one or two heroes and have the girls dance it up with them. After this, living or dead, the fellas are hooked. Both Harrowed and breathing heroes need to make a 15 spirit checks. Hopefully at least one of them will fail. The dancers drain wind at a rate of one per minute, and another, unaffected hero is required to break the psychic hold on his compadre.

    The Last Chance Saloon is populated with (mostly) harmless shades and spirits.  This place is perfect for a little angst and role-playing, just have the ghosts of folks killed by the heroes harass and taunt them.

    Well, that's it Marshal (that's probably enough!) Below you'll find the town map and descriptions of major players. Multiple guts checks, and dangerous dead await your heroes. Make 'em sweat, and make sure they see Clem's sad sorry face watching them leave town. It's possible but unlikely, the posse could defeat all of Last Gasps' perils, and it's designed that way for a purpose: You want them coming back (probably to redeem themselves), so you can torture them some more. Here's the perfect carrot for that horse, Marshal: $10,000 worth of Confederate gold lies within The Bank of Last Gasp. Sure it'll probably claim some lives to get it , but nobody said it would be easy. Happy Hunting.

By Marshal Wade

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Marshall Harris Graves

Corporeal : D:4D10 N: 3D8 S: 2D8  Q: 4D12 V: 2D10 Climbing : 2D8 Dodge: 3D8 Gunplay: 4D10, Shooting Pistol: 6D10, Shooting Shotgun: 4D10, Horse Riding: 3D8, Speed Load: 3D10, Throwing Knife: 3D10, Sneak: 3D8

Mental: C: 2D10 K: 3D8 M: 2D10 Sm: 2D6 Sp: 4D10 Area Knowledge: New Mexico 2D8, Native Tongue: 2D8 Search 3D10, Tracking: 3D10 Guts: 6D10 Overawe: 6D10, Professional, Law: 3D8

Edges: Law Man: 3 The "Stare": 1, The "Voice": 1, Two Fisted: 3, Two Gun Kid: 5

Hindrances: Bloodthirsty; 2 Mean as a rattler: 2 Stubborn: 2 Ugly as Sin: 1, Vengeful: 3, Aura O' Death: 3, Rage: 2

Dead: 5 Years     Grit: 4

Dominion: Harrowed: 6, Manitou: 4

Harrowed Powers: Charnel Breath:4, Hell Beast: 3, Stitching: 4 Reconstruction: 2 Soul Eater: 3

Gear: Twin .45, Single - Action Peacemakers of quality (Relics: 4D6 damage)

Grave's 2 Deputies -

1.Corporeal: 2D8, Deftness:2D10, Shooting Pistol: 4D10, Mental: 2D6, Cognition: 2D8 Tracking: 3D8

Gear: Single Action Colt .45, Double Barreled Shotgun

2. Corporeal: 3D8, Nimbleness: 2D10, Fighting, Brawling: 4D10

Mental: 2D8, Mien: 2D10, Overawe: 3D10

Gear: Winchester '73, Colt Single Action .44

Solomon Grimme

Corporeal: D:3D6 N:3D12 S:4D12 +4 Q:3D12 V:2D8  Climbing: 1D12, Sneak:3D12,  Dodge:3D12  Fighting:Sword:4D12  Fighting:Brawling:6D12, Quick Draw:Sword: 5D12, Shooting:Pistol:4D6

Mental: C:3D8 K:2D12 M:2D6 Sm:1D10 Sp:3D10  Area Knowledge:New Mexico:2D12, Native Tongue:4D12, Language:Spanish:3D12, Language:Apache:2D12< Language:French:3D12, Medicine:Surgery:4D12, Academia:Occult:3D12, Faith:8D10, Guts:6D10, Search:4D8, Professional:Law:3D12, Trade:Undertaking:6D12

Edges: Dinero 2, Gift Of Gab 1, the "Stare" 1, Thick-Skinned 3

Hindrances: Big 'Un 1( 6 '6" tall), Bloodthirsty 2, Superstitious 2, Tinhorn 2, Ugly As Sin 1, Mark O' The Devil 5

Dead:5 Years              Grit:4             Size:7

Dominion: Harrowed:6, Manitou:4

Harrowed Powers: Cat Eyes 2, Claws 5, Sleep O' The Dead 5, Unholy Host 5

Black Magic Spells: Bolt O' Doom 3, Cloak O' Evil 3, Forewarning 3, Spook 2, Zombie 3



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