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Portland Plot

The Portland Tunnel Plot: Ever have some gunfighter decide to make a run for Canada, or buy a mansion past Denver? Well, After my adventurers came out of California, they went North. In a panic, I had no idea what Oregon was like in 1876. I did a little research, and found out that an underground tunnel system was rumored to be built in the stone foundations of the buildings the Chinese built in 1850. It was primary for shipping purposes but thieves known as crimps soon began to use these as ways to escape the law. I found out that the most famous outlaw was a chap by the name of Joseph "Bunko" Kelly, a hard drinking rebel rouser whose gang frequented these tunnels. This along with several known haunted houses in Portland gave me all the facts I needed to get Portland up and running. For my plot, I constructed A Chinese laundry, and restaurant about 2 blocks apart. An Irish pub owned by Kelly, himself within about a mile from the Chinese establishments. Two different boarding houses/brothels also owned by Kelly's gang and a French styled peep show. Every one of these buildings had a tunnel leading from it to each other. They also lead downtown.
Upon coming into the town, the party will want whiskey, food, or lodging. Kelly and his men keep look outs for unsuspecting visitors. If anyone picks up the paper they can read in the Oregon Tribune of the owner, Henry Pittock's disgust at the recent crime wave. On top of Kelly's antics, their is also a group of child murders occurring. The murders range from thirteen to sixteen year old children. Kelly and his men get unsuspecting travelers at their bars and brothels. Kelly strong arms the Chinese who run the restaurant and the laundry. He found the map from them. If any of your party speak Chinese, they will not offer any information. Kelly beat up a "snitch" badly in the past. Upon Kelly or his men's word a mild poison is placed in either food or drink. Characters must make an incredible (11) roll to withstand its effect. If they make the roll they feel sick and lose 1D6 wind. If they fail they sleep for 1D8 hours. In this time, Kelly and his men strip them of wealth and weapons and put them in a small raft and shove them out to sea. Nasty, huh? The character wakes up to this watery site and must learn some seamanship quickly. The murders are being committed by Kirk Bowman. Bowman runs the peep show and has accustomed his mind to twisted things. The boss will not let him sleep with any of the women because he has caught some sort of disease, and his body is covered in sores. He obviously snapped and became one of the first serial killers. Bowman lets Kelly and the other gang members use his tunnel entry, because he wants to be in their gang. Kelly has teased him in the past by telling him that he might could join. The press calls the killer "The Bastard" after a quote from Pittock, one of Oregon's pillars of the Community. Split the party up. have some abducted and robbed, have some come across the body of a murder victim. Bowman will snap if approached in the peep show and attack, but will try to lie out of it until enough proof is evident. Kelly when not in the tunnels frequents his pub; Shenanigans or is at his home, or one of his brothels; The Soiled Dove and the Northwest Pleasure House. Always have at least 3D6 thugs with him.
Main Characters:
Joseph "Bunko" Kelly
Red Hair, 6 ft 4' Heavy set, Beard. Give him 3D6 thugs to help out. Each with Corporeal: 3D8,Mental 2D6 Shooting Pistol 4D8 and 30 points.
Corporeal: D:3D10 N: 4D8 Q:4D10 St: 2D12 Mental: 3D6
Shooting rifle 4D10 Shooting Pistol 5D10 Fighting/Brawling: 4D8
Winchester '73, Colt Lightning, 4 Vials of sleeping potion
hindrances: mean as a rattler edges: tough as nails: 2
Kirk Bowman "the Bastard"
Bowman is a runt, who talks with a lisp. He has been killing for 2 months. He is consumed with sores. He wears a duster and some boots. If the Duster flies open have anyone seeing make a (9) Vigor check to hold their lunch. This guys pretty nasty. He is however weak. If a large party confronts him. Have him try to get away.
Corporeal: D:3D8 N:3D8 St:2D6 Q:4D10 Mental: 3D4
shooting pistol: 2D8 fighting brawling: 3D8 fighting knife: 3D8
two rusty knifes, a duster: By Brother Renfield

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